2,983. It's a Mitzvah for the Owner to Redeem His Field

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 4:28

Let’s say that someone bought a field from his father – or from someone else from whom he might inherit it – and he consecrated it. It makes no difference whether he consecrated it after his father or the other person died, or if he consecrated it while his father or that other person was still alive and then he died. In either case, it is considered an ancestral field as per Leviticus 27:22: "…a field that he acquired which is not an ancestral field" – in other words, a field that is unable to be an ancestral field, excluding one that he could inherit.

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:1

If someone consecrates an ancestral field, it is a mitzvah for him to redeem it, therefore the owner takes precedence over other potential buyers. However, if he doesn’t want to redeem it, he is not compelled to do so. This is the case when yoveil is in effect; if yoveil arrives and he doesn’t redeem the field, it is confiscated for the kohanim, as has already been discussed. When yoveil is not in effect and fields aren’t confiscated for the kohanim, but rather they will eventually be redeemed, then the owner is compelled to make an opening bid and the field it is redeemed for its value like other consecrated property. If someone is willing to outbid the owner, he can redeem it. If not, it goes to the owner and he must pay what he bid. He may not bid less than four p'rutah so that the fifth he adds to it will not be less than a p'rutah.