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Zevachim 11:1-2

Zevachim 11:1

If blood from a sin offering splashes onto a garment, it must be washed. Even though the Torah only talks about those sacrifices that are eaten, i.e. outside sin offerings as per Leviticus 6:19, “it must be eaten in a holy place,” both those that are eaten and the inside sacrifices (that are not eaten) require washing, as per verse 18, “the law of the sin offering.” We see that there is one law for all types of sin offerings.

Zevachim 11:2

The blood of an invalidated sin offering doesn’t require washing; this is so regardless of whether it was once valid or it was never valid. Those that were once valid include sin offerings that were left overnight, were rendered ritually unclean, or were taken outside the Temple courtyard. Sacrifices that were never valid include those that were slaughtered with the intention to eat or burn them after their proper time or outside their proper place, or those whose blood was collected or sprinkled by people not qualified to do so.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz