867. More About Washing on Tisha b'Av

124:8 Women who are cooking may rinse the food because their intention is not to wash their hands. If a person is traveling for the sake of a mitzvah and he has no choice other than to pass through water, he may do so without hesitation, both on his way there and on his way back.  If he is traveling for business, he may pass through the water on his way there but not on the way back. If a person returns from a journey and his feet are sore, he may wash them in water.

124:9 Even though one may wash on Tisha b'Av so long as the purpose is not for pleasure, a woman whose mikvah night falls on Tisha b'Av does not go to the mikvah that night. This is because marital relations are prohibited on Tisha b'Av.