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Zevachim 9:6-7

Zevachim 9:6

If any of the aforementioned things fall off the altar, they are not returned; if coals fall off the altar, they are not returned. If the parts of sacrifices fell off the altar before midnight, they must be returned and they are subject to the laws of misappropriation; after midnight, they need not be returned and they are not subject to the laws of misappropriation.

Zevachim 9:7

Just as the altar sanctifies things that are fit for it, so does the ramp. Just as the altar and the ramp sanctify things that are fit for them, so do the Temple vessels – vessels for liquids sanctify liquids and dry measures sanctify dry items. Vessels for liquids don’t sanctify dry items and dry measures don’t sanctify liquids. If Temple vessels are perforated but they can still perform their functions, they continue to sanctify, otherwise they do not. All of these vessels only sanctify their contents in the Temple.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz