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Zevachim 9:2-3

Zevachim 9:2

The following things, if they were brought up the altar, are not brought down: parts that remained overnight, are unclean, were brought outside the Temple courtyard, or were slaughtered with the intention to eat or burn the sacrifice after its proper time or outside its proper place, and blood that was collected or sprinkled by people not qualified to do so. Rabbi Yehuda says that if a sacrifice that was slaughtered at night, or one whose blood was poured out or brought outside, was brought up the altar, it must be brought down. Rabbi Shimon says that it is not brought down. Rabbi Shimon used to say that whatever is rendered unfit in the Temple is acceptable in the Temple but if it wasn’t rendered unfit in the Temple, it is not acceptable in the Temple.

Zevachim 9:3

The following were not rendered unfit in the Temple: an animal that had relations with a woman or a man, one that was set aside for idolatrous purposes or worshipped, one that was acquired with wages from prostitution or the proceeds of selling a dog, a crossbred animal, a treifa (i.e., an animal that was torn), one born through a C-section, and an animal with a blemish. Rabbi Akiva says that blemished animals are fit (i.e., not brought down from the altar). Rabbi Chanina the Deputy High Priest said that his father used to reject blemished animals from the altar (i.e., he would send them back down after being brought up).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz