Zevachim 8:10-11
Zevachim 8:10
If the blood of an animal that is sprinkled once got mixed with the blood of another animal that is sprinkled once, then only one sprinkling is required. If the blood of an animal that is sprinkled four times got mixed with the blood of another animal that is sprinkled four times, then four sprinklings are required. If the blood of an animal that is sprinkled once got mixed with the blood of an animal that is sprinkled four times, Rabbi Eliezer says that four sprinklings are required and Rabbi Yehoshua says that one sprinkling is required. Rabbi Eliezer objected that sprinkling once violates the prohibition against detracting from the mitzvos (bal tigra); Rabbi Yehoshua objected that sprinkling four times violates the prohibition against adding to the mitzvos (bal tosif). Rabbi Eliezer replied that bal tosif would only apply when sprinkling the one-time blood four times by itself; Rabbi Yehoshua responded that bal tigra would only apply when sprinkling the four-time blood once by itself. Rabbi Yehoshua continued that sprinkling violates bal tosif actively but refraining from sprinkling violates bal tigra only passively.
Zevachim 8:11
If blood that requires sprinkling inside got mixed with blood that requires sprinkling outside, it must be poured down the drain in the Temple courtyard. If the kohein sprinkled it outside and then inside, it is valid after the fact (b’dieved). If he sprinkled it inside and then outside, Rabbi Akiva says that it is invalid but the Sages say that it is valid after the fact. Rabbi Akiva used to say that any blood to be sprinkled outside that was brought inside is made invalid but the Sages say that this only applies to sin offerings. Rabbi Eliezer says that it also applies to guilt offerings as per Leviticus 7:7, “As the sin offering, so the guilt offering.”