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Zevachim 8:6-7

Zevachim 8:6

Let’s say that the blood of sacrifices got mixed with water. If the mixture still has the appearance of blood, it remains fit for sprinkling on the altar. If it got mixed with wine, it is considered as if mixed with water (i.e., still valid if the same ratio of water to blood would be valid). If it got mixed with the blood of domesticated or wild animals, it is considered like water; Rabbi Yehuda says that blood doesn’t nullify blood (so it would remain valid regardless of the ratio).

Zevachim 8:7

If the blood of a sacrifice got mixed with the blood of an animal that is unfit for use as a sacrifice, it must be poured down the drain in the Temple courtyard. If blood to be sprinkled (which is “lifeblood”) got mixed with blood draining from the animal, it must be poured down the drain, though Rabbi Eliezer says that it remains valid. If the kohein didn’t ask and sprinkled such a mixture, it is valid after the fact (b’dieved).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz