Tehillim 132

Torat Imecha is dedicated by Mrs. Nechama Wolfson in memory of her grandmother, Riva Schwab, Rivka bat Alexander Sender. Visit the OU Women's Initiative to register for additional content!

He Didn't Build It, But They Came Anyway

Another of the “Songs of Ascents.” David asks G-d to remember how hard he worked to find the location for the Temple, even though he would not be privileged to build it himself. He eschewed living in a house so long as G-d’s Ark resided in a tent. David also deprived himself of restful sleep because of his preoccupation with establishing the Temple site.

Ultimately, the place was identified as the threshing floor of Aravnah the Jebusite, on the border of Benjamin. Now that we know the place, we can worship at the location of G-d’s “footstool” (See Isaiah 66:1).

David beseeches G-d to come to the site of His permanent Temple, unlike the locations where the Tabernacle resided temporarily. Let the kohanim, the priests, don their “working clothes,” which David here calls garments of righteousness. Let the Leviim, the Levites, sing their songs in joy. David asks that when his son Solomon comes to dedicate the Temple that he not be turned away. (These three verses are recited in the “Atoh Horaiso” prayer on Simchas Torah.)

G-d promised David that his dynasty would be established through Solomon. G-d will fulfill this and if David’s descendants remain faithful, they will retain the throne forever. G-d has chosen Jerusalem as the site of His Temple and there His presence will remain. Because of this, Jerusalem will enjoy abundant good for the residents, the priests and the Levites. The Moshiach (messiah) will be born from David’s descendants; his crown will shine and his enemies will be shamed.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz