2,889. A Permitted Combination

Hilchos Nezirus 5:5

Pursuant to the previous halacha, let’s say that a nazir soaked half a loaf of bread in a reviis of wine. If he eats half a loaf, he will simultaneously consume a reviis of wine, rendering him liable to lashes. Regarding this and similar cases, Numbers 6:3 tells us, "Anything steeped in grapes (is prohibited)." This prohibits things in which wine was mixed so that they absorb the taste of wine. It must contain both the flavor and some actual wine, the same as with other prohibited foods.

Hilchos Nezirus 5:6

If wine or something similar was mixed with honey so that the taste of the wine is not discernible, it is permitted to a nazir. This is because the prohibitions of nezirus shouldn’t be more stringent than the prohibitions of eating fat and blood.