Tehillim 122

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Yerushalayim Habinuyah

David says that he rejoiced when people were anxious for the Temple to be built, even though it would not occur in his lifetime. He envisions Jerusalem “built up” with G-d’s Presence, like its counterpart in Heaven.

The Tribes of Israel went to Shilo when they entered Israel, to give thanks to the name of the G-d. In Jerusalem, thrones were established for the Davidic dynasty. Pray for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem, which is good for all of Israel.

David says he will speak of peace within Jerusalem for the sake of the people, and he will request good things for them for the sake of the Temple. (This last section is familiar as “L’maan Achai V’Reiyai,” a phrase found in song and in prayer.)

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz