Sotah - Daf 49

  • Qualities lost with the passing of Tannaim

The next Mishnah lists qualities which were lost with the passing of numerous Tannaim: משמת ר"מ בטלו מושלי משלים – Once Rebbe Meir died, there ceased composers of parables. משמת בן עזאי בטלו השקדנים – Once Ben Azzai died, there ceased the diligent. משמת בן זומא בטלו הדרשנים – Once Ben Zoma died, there ceased experts in derashos. משמת ר"ע בטל כבוד התורה – Once Rebbe Akiva (who darshened even points of letters) died, honor of Torah ceased. משמת ר' חנינא בן דוסא בטלו אנשי מעשה – Once Rebbe Chanina ben Dosa died, there ceased people of miraculous deeds. It continues: Once Rebbe Yose Katonta died, there ceased to be pious men. Why was he called “Katonta”? Because he was the lesser of the pious men. Once Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai died, the shine of wisdom ceased. Once Rabban Gamliel the Elder died, honor of Torah ceased, and purity and abstinence died. Once Rebbe Yishmael ben Pavi died, the shine of Kehunah ceased. Once Rebbi died, humility and fear of sin ceased. A Baraisa near the end of the mesechta provides an additional list.

  • The signs of the footsteps of Moshiach

Rebbe Eliezer Hagadol said: בעקבות משיחא – During the “footsteps of Moshiach” (the period just before his arrival), חוצפא יסגא – insolence will increase, ויוקר יאמיר – prices will rise, הגפן תתן פריה והיין ביוקר – and the vine will bear its fruit, yet wine will be expensive. He continues: The government will turn to heresy, and there will be no reproof, the former meeting place of sages will be used for harlotry, the Galilee will be destroyed and the Gavlan will be desolated, people on the border will wander from town to town but not be helped, the wisdom of scribes will decay, those who fear sin will be despised, truth will be absent, youths will shame the elders, and elders will stand before minors. “A son disgraces his father; a daughter stands against her mother, and a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are people of his household.” He concludes: פני הדור כפני הכלב – The face of the generation is like the face of a dog; הבן אינו מתבייש מאביו – a son is not ashamed from his father. ועל מה יש לנו להשען על אבינו שבשמים – And upon what can we rely? On our Father in Heaven!

  • The story of the pig sent up the wall of Yerushalayim and the decree against Greek wisdom

The Rabbis taught: When the Chashmonai descendant Hyrkanos was besieging his brother Aristobolus in Yerushalayim, a basket with money would be lowered to the besiegers, who would send back up a lamb for that day’s korban tamid. An old man, who was familiar with Greek wisdom (a secretive method of communication used by aristocrats), secretly informed those outside: כל זמן שעוסקים בעבודה אין נמסרין בידכם – As long as they are occupied with the avodah, they will not be delivered into your hands. The next day, the besiegers put a pig into the basket, which stuck its hooves into the wall, and Eretz Yisroel shook over four hundred parsah. At that time, they declared:ארור אדם שיגדל חזירים – Cursed is the man who raises swine, וארור אדם שילמד לבנו חכמת יוונית – and cursed is the man who teaches his son Greek wisdom! The Gemara clarifies that using the Greek language is acceptable, and they only forbade learning “Greek wisdom.” The Gemara adds that even learning Greek wisdom was permitted for those of Rabban Gamliel’s household, דקרובין למלכות הוו – because they were closely involved with the government.