2,881. Pausing One Nezirus Period for Another

Hilchos Nezirus 4:6

Let’s say that someone says, “I will be a nazir after 20 days have passed,” plus he says, “I’m a nazir for 100 days starting now.” In such a case, he observes nezirus for 20 days and then pauses it. He then starts to count 30 days for the nezirus that he said would start after 20 days. When he finishes that, he shaves in purity and brings his offerings. He observes another 80 days to complete the nezirus of 100 days, after which he shaves and brings his offerings.

Hilchos Nezirus 4:7

If someone says, “I will be a nazir after 20 days have passed,” plus “I’m a nazir starting right now,” he observes 30 days (for his second vow). He shaves in purity and then observes another 30 days, for the vow he said would commence after 20 days. You might think that he should observe 20 days, interrupt, then observe 30 days and shave. We don’t do this because doing so would leave ten days remaining from the nezirus that he started but of which he only observed only 20 days. As we have said, there are never fewer than 30 days between one shaving in purity and the next.