Tetzaveh - Shlishi

Not Too Big for Their Britches

The robe was to be made out of blue wool. The neck hole would be reinforced so as not to tear. (This is also a command not to tear it.)

The hem of the robe was to be decorated with small hanging balls called "pomegranates," alternating with gold bells. The bells would sound as Aharon did the service.

The Tzitz was a small gold plate to be worn on the forehead. It was to be engraved with the words "Holy to G-d" and tied on with blue thread. The Tzitz would cause mistakes made in offering sacrifices to be forgiven.

The Kesones (tunic) was to be worn under the robe and it was to be woven with a box-like pattern. There would also be a linen turban and an embroidered belt, which was worn close to the heart. Aharon's sons - namely priests other than the High Priests - were to wear similar tunics and belts, though their hats may have been less fancy.

After dressing Aharon and his sons, they were to be anointed and consecrated as priests. They were also to wear pants, like britches above the knee. Aharon and his sons (as well as all future kohanim) must wear their "uniforms" while performing the service; to do otherwise would result in the offender's demise.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz