2,878. Ending Nezirus

Hilchos Nezirus 3:19

Let’s say that someone says, “I’m a nazir if I eat this loaf,” “I’m a nazir if I eat it,” “I’m a nazir if I eat it.” If he eats it, he must observe as many nezirus periods as vows he made. He observes these periods consecutively, each one lasting 30 days. At the end of each 30-day period, he shaves and brings his offerings.

Hilchos Nezirus 4:1

If someone declares himself a nazir generically, he shaves in purity on the thirty-first day, though if he shaved on the thirtieth day, he has fulfilled his obligation. If he specifically declares himself to be a nazir for 30 days, he can only shave on the thirty-first day.