2,867. Nezirus Today

Hilchos Nezirus 2:19

If a servant takes a nazirite vow and then runs away from his master, he is prohibited to drink wine. This is so that he will suffer deprivation and return to his master. Let’s say that a servant made a nazirite vow, fulfilled it and shaved, all without his master’s knowledge. If he’s later freed, he is considered to have fulfilled his nazirite obligations. However, if he made a nazirite vow and didn’t shave and is granted freedom, he has not fulfilled his nazirite obligations. If he was rendered unclean and then freed, he must start counting the days of his nazirite term from the time of his contamination.

Hilchos Nezirus 2:20

Nazirite vows must be observed regardless of whether or not the Temple is standing. The result is that if someone takes a nazirite vow nowadays, it must be observed forever. This is because there’s not currently a Temple where he can offer the sacrifices necessary to conclude a nazirite period.