2,863. It Refers to Mitzvos

Hilchos Nezirus 2:11

The previous halacha about a koi and an intersex person refers to mitzvos and not to their physical characteristics. As far as a koi, its blood must be covered like that of a wild animal; its fat is prohibited like that of a domesticated animal; mating it with either a domesticated or a wild animal is considered crossbreeding, with the result that it’s like neither; and it must be slaughtered as is necessary for both domesticated and wild animals. There are other halachos that apply to a koi that will be discussed in their proper places. Similarly, an intersex person is rendered unclean by a seminal emission like a man and by uterine blood like a woman; they can’t be sold as a Hebrew servant, which makes them unlike a man and unlike a woman; and one who kills them is subject to execution the same as one who kills a man or a woman. There are other halachos that apply to an intersex person that are discussed in the appropriate places.

Hilchos Nezirus 2:12

The same rules as in the preceding halachos also apply if people saw a group approaching that included both seeing and blind people. One says that he’ll be a nazir if they’re seeing; another says that he’ll be a nazir if they’re not seeing; another says he’ll be a nazir if they’re blind; another says he’ll be a nazir if they’re not blind; another says he’ll be a nazir if there are both seeing and blind people in the group; and another says he’ll be a nazir if there are both people who are not seeing and people who are not blind. The same applies in all similar scenarios.