2,859. Latching On to a Nazirite Vow

Hilchos Nezirus 2:3

If someone latches on to another person’s nazirite vow, he is rendered a nazir. This is the same as we discussed vis-à-vis the laws of latching on to other types of vows.

Hilchos Nezirus 2:4

If a nazir was passing by and someone said, “I’m like him,” he is rendered a nazir. If a nazir’s friend made a nazirite vow saying, “My mouth is like his mouth when it comes to wine” or “My hair is like his hair when it comes to cutting it,” he is rendered a nazir. Similarly, if he heard the nazir make his vow and said, “Me, too” immediately after, he is rendered a nazir. If a third person says “Me, too” immediately after the second person, even if this goes on for 100 people, they are all rendered nazirs.