2,852. Vague Nazirite Vows

Hilchos Nezirus 1:6

Pursuant to the previous halacha, if a nazir was walking by and someone said, “I will be,” he is rendered a nazir because his internal intention was to say that he would be like the nazir. This is so even though he didn’t explicitly say, “I will be like him.” Similarly, if he grasped his hair and said, “I will be attractive,” “I will grow my hair,” “I will style my hair,” “I will let my hair grow,” etc., he is a nazir so long as such was his internal intention.

Hilchos Nezirus 1:7

If one says, “I am required to bring doves” (i.e., as offerings), he’s not a nazir; this is true even if a nazir was walking by and even if he had the intention to become a nazir. Such a statement is tantamount to saying nothing at all.