Sotah - Daf 11

  • Pharaoh the "מלך חדש" and his scheme to enslave Bnei Yisroel

The Gemara speaks at great length about the enslavement and redemption from Mitzrayim. Rav and Shmuel argued about the meaning of "ויקם מלך חדש על מצרים" – And a new king arose over Mitzrayim. One said: חדש ממש – literally new, for the first one had died. The other said: שנתחדשו גזירותיו – merely that his decrees were new, for the passuk does not say he died. The passuk that states “he did not know Yosef” means he seemed like he did not know Yosef by passing harsh decrees against his people. Pharaoh said: "הבה נתחכמה לו" – Let us act wisely concerning “it,” instead of them (Bnei Yisroel), meaning: באו ונחכם למושיען של ישראל – Let us act wisely concerning the Savior of Yisroel (Hashem). Pharaoh reasoned that although he could not oppress them with fire or the sword, because those are modes Hashem uses for punishment, but he could oppress them with drowning in the Nile, for Hashem swore never to visit a flood upon the world. He erred in two ways, as the Gemara explains.Rebbe Simai said: שלשה היו באותה עצה: בלעם, ואיוב, ויתרו – Three people were involved in that counsel to Pharaoh: Bilam, Iyov, and Yisro. Bilam, who advised to enslave them, was later killed. Iyov, who remained silent, was later punished through his suffering. Yisro, who fled, merited to have descendants in the Sanhedrin.

  • The implementation of the enslavement

The passuk says: " וישימו עליו שרי מסים" – And they appointed taskmasters over “it.” By not saying “them,” it teaches: שהביאו מלבן ותלו לו לפרעה בצוארו – that they brought a brick mold and hung it on Pharaoh’s neck, so no one could say they were too delicate to work since even Pharaoh was working. The enslavement is described as ".בפרך" Rebbe Elazar explains this means בפה רך – with a soft mouth, persuading them with words and pay. Rebbe Shmuel bar Nachmani said: בפריכה – with crushing labor. That labor is described first as "בחומר ובלבנים" – with mortar and bricks, then "ובכל עבודה בשדה" – and with every labor in the field. Rava explained that initially, they labored only with mortar and bricks, and subsequently with every type of labor in the field. Rebbe Yonasan said: שהיו מחליפין מלאכת אנשים לנשים ומלאכת נשים לאנשים – that they switched the men’s work to women and the women’s work to men, which was especially difficult for them.

  • The מילדות

Rav and Shmuel disagree as to the identity of the two midwives: one says it was Yocheved and her daughter Miriam, and one says it was Yocheved and her daughter-in-law Elisheva. A Baraisa assumes the former when expounding their names: Shifrah was actually Yocheved, and she was called Shifrah שמשפרת את הולד – because she straightened the child’s limbs. Alternatively, שפרו ורבו ישראל בימיה – because Yisroel increased and multiplied in her days. Puah was Miriam, and she was called Puahשהיתה פועה [לולד] – because she would coo to the child. Alternatively: שהיתה פועה ברוח הקודש ואומרת – because she would cry out with Ruach Hakodesh and say, עתידה אמי שתלד בן שמושיע את ישראל – my mother is destined to bear a son who will save Yisroel. The passuk says: "ותחיין את הילדים" – And they kept the children alive, teaching that not only did they not kill them, אלא שהיו מספיקות להם מים ומזון – but they also provided them with food and water. Rav and Shmuel debated the meaning of the midwives’ reward: "ויעש להם בתים" – And he made for them “houses.” One said it means houses of Kehunah and Leviyah, and the other said it means houses of royalty.