Aleinu - Al Kein part 9

וְנֶאֱמַר: וְהָיָה ה' לְמֶלֶךְ עַל כָּל הָאָרֶץ בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִהְיֶה ה' אֶחָד וּשְׁמוֹ אֶחָד

And it also says [Zecharyah 14:9]: And then (at the time of Mashiach) Hashem will be king over the entire world; on that day (even the gentiles will realize that) Hashem is One (and there is no other power) and His Name will be One (mentioned by everyone).


The final two segments of Al Kein (8 and 9) will also serve as a segue into our next series, which is on Hallel. This is a most opportune time for these two segments and the start of Hallel, as we head into the Yom Tov of Pesach, in which Hallel is prominent both within the Seder and within our tefilos.

These two segments, with permission from Judaica Illuminations (Brooklyn and Scarsdale, New York), are presented verbatim from Hallel – Shirei Yonah: A Treasury of Illumination, Calligraphy, Commentary, Insights, and Laws. I felt that it was so beautifully written by Rabbi Yonah Weinrib that I wanted to present his full original writing. His sefer Hallel – Shirei Yonah is magnificent both in his artistic presentations and in his insightful and inspiring commentary. He has a similar style Haggadah, which no doubt is beautiful inside and out, as well.

In the middle of Rabbi Weinrib’s piece, you will find the final pasuk of Al Kein and its understanding.

You may want to consider adding these two segments to your Seder on Pesach, as well.


Songs in Sorrow, Songs in Joy – Part 2


We see G-d in this world in two ways: one which we feel is good, and one which we perceive to be bad for us. In the future, when our comprehension of His actions will be uncluttered by our base perceptions, we will see the true unity of G-d. The Name of G-d will be One on that day, because we are unable to see it as such at this time.

Man must realize the limitations of his song of praise to G-d in this world. It is not שיר, elevated song, but שירה, a song weighed down by the ה with which this world was created. Our necessary connection to a world of matter, rather than spirit, makes it impossible to let our soul sing out in praise as it should. [Daas Tefilah]

אֵיךְ נָשִׁיר אֶת שִׁיר ה' עַל אַדְמַת נֵכ–How can we sing the song of Hashem on an alien’s soil? (Psalms 137:4) If man’s perception is clouded, if his actions are encumbered by corporeality and our shortcomings on this world, how can we truly sing the song to G-d?

King David tells us in Psalms 104: אָשִׁירָה לַה' בְּחַ. The standard translation of this phrase is: I will sing to Hashem while I live. Certainly, after one has left this earthly existence, there is no possibility of singing a song to Hashem. לֹא הַמֵּתִים יְהַלְלוּ יָ – the dead cannot praise G-d. The need for this seemingly obvious conclusion drawn by King David seems puzzling. Yet, we can understand בְּחַיָ not to mean “while I live” (meaning, during my life), but בְּחַיָ – with my life. Man, by the majestic acts that he will perform once in a lifetime, or through the simple actions that he performs daily, is constantly singing a song of praise to Hashem. His essence must reverberate with G-dliness, for he is the song of praise.

Man’s song, however, is not a solo. He joins millions of other individuals in the world who must also sing to G-d with their lives. Each of us harnesses the strengths we have been given, the tools endowed to us by a magnanimous Creator. It is our challenge and responsibility to fine-tune them into instruments of precision, and channel them into Divine service.

This ultimate song, the song of creation itself, takes all the individual notes that every man sings and orchestrates them into a harmonious symphony of praise to G-d. Their voices fuse towards a common goal, uniting, exalting, uplifting in praise that exceeds that of the angels. Past and present, good and evil, joy and suffering are not contradictory, discordant themes, but are all part of a greater whole. To the extent possible, we will hear strains of this perfect song of creation in our lifetime. We will continue to sing with our souls the joyous tunes of faithful observance, and cause the heavens to reverberate with a joyful refrain.

And we wait. We wait for the day when all things will be clear. We wait for the time when the bitterness of exile melts into the dawning of our final redemption. We wait to see a world where there is no pain or sorrow, only the illuminating radiance of G-d’s awesome presence. And on that day all the creatures of the world, all the nations on earth, Jew and non-Jew alike, will lift up their voices in a glorious and eternal Hallel to His Name: ה' הוּא הָאֱ-לֹהִ-ים, “Hashem – only He is G-d!”