2,844. When a Third Party Latches on to a Woman's Vow

Hilchos Nedarim 13:15

Let’s say that a woman makes a vow and someone else latches on to her vow to include himself by saying, “Me, too.” If the woman’s father or husband hears of her vow and annuls it, her vow is annulled, but the vow of the one who latched onto her is not.

Hilchos Nedarim 13:16

Let’s say that a woman who is not married and also not in her father’s domain makes a vow prohibiting meat to herself after 30 days, and she gets married within those 30 days. While she’s in her husband’s domain when the vow takes effect, he can’t annul it because she wasn’t in his domain when she made the vow. Regarding this scenario, Numbers 30:10, “The vow of a widow or a divorcee... will be upheld.” This is the case even if she was already betrothed when she made the vow because a fiancé can’t annul vows that were made before the marriage was finalized, as has already been discussed.