Sotah - Daf 5

  • Various statements of what befalls one who possesses גסות הרוח

This Daf continues with many teachings about one who possesses גסות הרוח – arrogance. Rav Avira said: לסוף מתמעט – [his stature] will eventually be diminished. He expounded further that he does not exist in the world, and what will ensue if he does or does not repent . Rebbi Elazar said: ראוי לגדעו כאשירה – It is fitting that he should be cut down like an asheirah tree (a tree which was worshipped and must be cut down). He also said: אין עפרו ננער – His dust is not aroused for תחיית המתים. He said further: שכינה מיללת עליו – the Shechinah laments over him. Rav Chisda (or possibly Mar Ukva) said: אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא: אין אני והוא יכולין לדור בעולם – Hashem says, “I and he cannot dwell together in the world. Rebbe Alexandri said: אפילו רוח קימעא עוכרתו – Even a small wind will trouble him (i.e., even a small punishment will overwhelm him). Rav Ashi said: לסוף נפחת – He is eventually reduced in stature.

  • If a Talmid Chochom should possess a small measure of גסות הרוח

Rav Chiya bar Ashi said in the name of Rav: תלמיד חכם צריך שיהא בו אחד משמונה בשמינית – A Torah scholar must have an eighth of an eighth of haughtiness. Rashi explains that this is in order that he and his teachings will be taken seriously. Rav Huna, son of Rav Yehoshua said: ומעטרא ליה כי סאסא לשבולתא – And this measure of haughtiness crowns him like the beard of a stalk (i.e., it is beautiful and fitting for him). Rav commented: בשמתא דאית ביה, ובשמתא דלית ביה – One who possesses it [more than this amount] is in excommunication, and one who does not possess [even this tiny amount] is in excommunication. Rashi explains that if he is exceedingly humble, the people in his town will not fear him, and he lacks the power to rebuke. Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak objected: לא מינה ולא מקצתה – One should possess neither it nor any part of it. מי זוטר דכתיב ביה תועבת ה' כל גבה לב – Is it insignificant that which is written about it: “An abomination to Hashem is every haughty of heart”?!

  • Why a sotah requires chalitzah but cannot perform yibum

The Mishnah on Daf 2 taught about a sotah: ואם מת – חולצת – If he (her husband) dies without children, she requires chalitzah. The Gemara asks why yibum itself is not allowed. Three version of Rav Yosef’s answer are presented. The first: The passuk says about a woman divorced because of suspected adultery: ויצאה מביתו והלכה והיתה לאיש אחר"“ - And she left his house and went and married another man. לאיש אחר ולא ליבם – This teaches she may only marry “Another man,” but not a yavam. When Abaye objected that she should not require chalitzah, since the passuk implies she may marry freely, Rav Yosef answered: אילו איתיה לבעל מי לא בעיא גט – If the husband were alive, would she not require a get? We see that the marriage was not dissolved. השתא נמי תיבעי חליצה – Now, too, that he died, she requires chalitzah. In the second version, Rav Yosef reasoned that the Torah required the husband to divorce herדלא ליסתריה לביתיה  – so that his house should not be destroyed, ואת אמרת תתייבם נמי יבומי – and you say she should be taken in yibum?! Although another man may marry her, that is his choice, as opposed to yibum which is imposed upon him. The third version, and an additional explanation from Rava, are presented on the next Daf.