Sotah - Daf 4

  • Duration of seclusion to be considered a sotah

The Gemara records nine opinions of Tannaim as to the duration of seclusion which renders her a sotah. Later, a second Baraisa is quoted in which five of those Tannaim provide different shiurim, which forces the reinterpretation of some of the statements of this Baraisa. The Gemara later will explain that each Tanna formed his opinion based on his own experience. Rebbe Yishmael said: כדי טומאה, כדי ביאה, כדי העראה, כדי הקפת דקל – the time for defilement to occur, which is the time required for cohabitation, which only means the time required for the first stage of cohabitation, which practically is the time required to circle a palm tree. The Gemara explains that the first three parts of his statement are to clarify that only time for העראה is required, and not the seduction beforehand, nor the entire act. Rebbe Eliezer says: כדי מזיגת הכוס – the time for mixing a cup of wine with water. Rebbe Yehoshua says: כדי לשתותו – the time to drink it, which is explained later to mean to mix and drink it. Ben Azzai says: כדי לצלות ביצה – the time to roast an egg. Rebbe Akiva says: כדי לגומעה – the time to swallow it, which is explained to mean to roast and swallow it. Rebbe Yehudah ben Beseira says: the time to swallow three eggs, which the Gemara explains is the same as Rebbe Akiva’s shiur, but he prefers to describe it with a single term. Three more opinions are recorded.

  • The negative implications of not washing one’s hands before eating bread

Rav Avira expounded: כל האוכל לחם בלא נטילת ידים – Anyone who eats bread with washing the hands, כאילו בא על אשה זונה – is as if he had relations with a harlot, as it says: “"כי בעד אשה זונה עד ככר לחם – for on account of a harlot, until a loaf of bread (reading it as, “on account of eating a loaf of bread improperly, he is considered as if he had relations with a harlot”). Rava objects to the derashah based on the language of the passuk and explains the passuk differently. Rebbe Elazar says: כל המזלזל בנטילת ידים נעקר מן העולם – Anyone who belittles washing the hands is uprooted from the world. Rashi explains that violating Rabbinical enactments warrants death. Rebbe Abahu said: כל האוכל פת בלא ניגוב ידים כאילו אוכל לחם טמא – Anyone who eats bread without drying the hands after washing, is as if he eats tamei bread (because it is repulsive to eat bread with wet hands).

  • The evils of גסות הרוח

Rebbe Yochanan said: כל אדם שיש בו גסות הרוח לבסוף נכשל באשת איש – Anyone who has in him a haughtiness of spirit will ultimately be led to sin with a married woman, as it says: "ואשת איש נפש יקרה תצוד" – A married woman, a ‘precious’ soul ensnares. Rava objects to this derashah and explains the passuk differently. Rebbe Yochanan quoted Rebbe Shimon ben Yochai: כל אדם שיש בו גסות הרוח כאילו עובד עבודת כוכבים – Anyone who has in him haughtiness of spirit, is as though he worships idols. Rebbe Yochanan himself said: כאילו כפר בעיקר – It is as though he has denied the fundamental principle of Hashem’s existence. Rebbe Chama bar Chanina said: כאילו בא על כל העריות – It is as though he had relations with all the forbidden relations. Ulla said: כאילו בנה במה – It is as though he built an altar (for idolatry).