2,841. Pre-Annulling Vows; Partially Annulling a Vow

Hilchos Nedarim 13:9

If a man tells his wife or his daughter that all the vows she takes from now until he returns from a certain place are affirmed or annulled, his words are ineffective. If he designated an agent to annul or affirm her vows, it is likewise ineffective. This is because Numbers 30:14 says, “Her husband will affirm them, her husband will annul them.” Similarly, her father must take care of this personally rather than through an agent.

Hilchos Nedarim 13:10

If a woman prohibits figs and grapes to herself through a vow or an oath, whether she prohibited the entire species or only specific figs and grapes, if her husband affirms the vow vis-à-vis figs and annuls it vis-à-vis grapes, or vice versa, what he affirms is binding upon her and what he annulled is annulled. The same is true in all comparable cases. When it comes to annulling a vow, we don’t say that if part of the vow is annulled, then the whole thing is annulled, the way that we do when it comes to a sage permitting a vow.