Nazir - Daf 66

  • The statement about a zav that שכבת זרעו טמאה

The Mishnah on Daf 65b had said that once a zav is confirmed tamei, שכבת זרעו טמאה – his semen is tamei. The Gemara asks in reference to what halachah this is said, since even the semen of a tahor person is metamei through touch. The Gemara answers that it means to say that it is metamei through משא – carrying. The Gemara initially objects that even Rebbe Yehoshua, who said that semen of a zav is metamei through משא, explained his reasoning: לפי שאי אפשר לה בלא ציחצוחי זיבה – because it is impossible for it to be without droplets of zivah, but the semen itself would not be metamei with משא. After the Gemara rejects another approach, it ultimately brings another Baraisa: שכבת זרע של זב מטמא במשא כל מעת לעת – Semen of a zav is metamei through carrying if it was discharged during a full [24-hour] period after a discharge of zivah, and Rebbe Yose says: יומו – only for that day, until nightfall. The Gemara provides the Scriptural source for each Tanna.

  • Machlokes if Shmuel was a nazir

The final Mishnah states: נזיר היה שמואל – Shmuel was a nazir, according to Rebbe Nehorai, as the passuk says: ומורה לא יעלה על ראשו – “and a מורה shall not go on his head.” He explains, since the word מורה also appears in reference to Shimshon, we say: מה מורה האמורה בשמשון נזיר, אף מורה האמורה בשמואל נזיר – just as the word מורה (razor) regarding Shimshon means he was to be a nazir (as is clear from the end of that passuk), so too the word מורה regarding Shmuel means he was to be a nazir (and a “razor” shall not go on his head). Rebbe Yose disagrees: והלא אין מורה אלא של בשר ודם – But מורה only means [מורא – fear] from mankind, saying he would fear no one. Rebbe Nehorai responded: והלא כבר נאמר ויאמר שמואל איך אלך ושמע שאול והרגני – But it was said: And Shmuel said, “How will I go to anoint Dovid? Shaul will hear and kill me,” שכבר היה עליו מורא של בשר ודם – we see that there was fear of men upon him!? Rather, the word מורה must mean that his hair would not be cut as a nazir.

  • Machlokes if a מברך or עונה אמן is greater

Rav told his son Chiya: חטוף ובריך – ”Quickly take the cup and make the berachah.” Rav Huna told his son Rabbah the same. The Gemara wonders, does this mean to say that the מברך (the one making the berachah) is greater? But Rebbe Yose said: גדול העונה אמן יותר מן המברך – The one who answers “Amen” is greater than the one making the berachah! Rebbe Nehorai brought support: תדע שהרי גוליירים מתגרין במלחמה וגבורים נוצחין – Know this is so, for the soldiers fight the battle, and the warriors complete the victory, indicating that greater credit is given to those who complete the task. The Gemara says it is a machlokes Tannaim, for it says in another Baraisa: אחד המברך ואחד העונה אמן במשמע – Both the one making the berachah and the one answering “Amen” are implied by the passuk "קומו ברכו את ה' אלקיכם" – Come and bless (plural) Hashem your God,” אלא שממהרין למברך תחילה – but they hurry to give reward first to the one making the berachah.