2,835. No Take-Backs

Hilchos Nedarim 12:18

Let’s say that a father or a husband hears of a vow and he remains silent in order to vex the woman. If the day goes by without him annulling the vow, it stands even if that wasn’t his intention. Let’s say that a woman made a vow and her father or husband annulled it. However, without knowing that the vow was annulled, the woman willfully violated it. In such a case, she’s exempt. Even though her intention was to violate, she ended up doing something permitted. Regarding this, Numbers 30:6 says, “God will forgive her, because her father restrained her.” She is, however, given stripes for acting rebelliously because of her attempt to act impermissibly.

Hilchos Nedarim 12:19

If a woman makes a vow and violates it before her father or husband annuls it, she is liable to lashes or to bring an offering for the violation even if he hears of it and annuls it that same day.