Nazir - Daf 60

  • The korbanos brought over 120 days by a nazir who was possibly tamei and a metzora

The Mishnah taught that a nazir who may be tamei, and additionally may be a confirmed metzora, may eat kodshim after sixty days (when he is definitely no longer a metzora), and drink wine after 120 days. A Baraisa details the korbanos brought at the shaving after every thirty days (although a metzora and nazir tamei do not require thirty days, he must wait because he may be a nazir tahor): תגלחת ראשונה מביא צפורים וחטאת העוף ועולת בהמה – At the first shaving, he brings birds (for the metzora possibility- there is no concern of unnecesary korbanos, since it is done outside the Beis Hamikdash), a bird-chatas (for the nazir tamei possibility), and an animal-olah (for the nazir tahor possibility, without which he cannot shave). שניה מביא חטאת העוף ועולת בהמה – At the second shaving, he brings a bird-chatas and an animal-olah. Here, the bird-chatas functions as the korban for a nazir tamei (as above), or for the second shaving of a metzora. (Although normally requiring an animal, he impoverishes himself to be eligible for a bird-chatas, which can be brought out of doubt). Having completed the tzaraas process, he may now eat kodshim. At the third shaving, he brings a bird-chatas (for tumah) and an animal-olah (for nazir tahor). At the fourth shaving, having accommodated all other possibilities, he brings all three korbanos of a nazir tahor.

  • Cases of definite tumah, tzaraas, or both

טמא ספק ומוחלט ודאי – If he was possibly tamei and definitely a confirmed metzora, אוכל בקדשים לאחר שמונה ימים – he may eat kodshim after eight days. (He may shave immediately for his tzaraas, and the second shaving after seven days, since he is a definite metzora), ושותה יין ומיטמא למתים לאחר ששים ושבעה ימים – and he may drink wine and become tamei from the dead after 67 days, i.e., two nezirus terms afterwards (since he may not be tamei, he must wait thirty days before shaving). If he is a possible metzora and definitely tamei, he may eat kodshim after 37 days (since he may not be a metzora, he must wait a week until he shaves as a nazir tamei, then wait a month), and completes nezirus after 74 days. (In case he was a metzora, he now waits a week to shave as a nazir tamei, and then the thirty days as nazir tahor). If he is definitely both, he shaves immediately, and again after seven days as a metzora (becoming permitted in kodshim after eight days), then shaves after seven days for tumah, then thirty days thereafter to complete his nezirus after 44 days.

  • Why one shaving cannot be used for two different obligations

The talmidim of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai asked him:נזיר טהור ומצורע, מהו שיגלח תגלחת אחת ועולה לו לכאן ולכאן – A nazir tahor who is a metzora, can he shave one shaving and account for both obligations? Rebbe Shimon said he cannot (this is the premise for our Mishnah requiring four shavings) and explained: אילו זה לגדל וזה לגדל וזה להעביר וזה להעביר יפה אתם אומרים – Had each shaving been for the purpose of subsequent growth, or to remove hair, you would be correct. עכשיו נזיר להעביר ומצורע לגדל – But now that the nazir shaves only to remove, whereas the metzora shaves to grow for the second shaving, one shaving cannot count for two different purposes. He explained that shaving also cannot be accomplished simultaneously for the metzora’s second shaving and a nazir’s (although both are for removing hair), because they are different in that a metzora’s shaving precedes his korbanos, whereas a nazir’s follows his korbanos. Finally, he said a metzora’s first shaving and a nazir tamei’s shaving cannot be done simultaneously (although both are for subsequent growth, and both precede their korbanos), because a nazir tamei’s shaving takes place after his tevilah, whereas the metzora’s shaving precedes his tevilah.