Nazir - Daf 45

  • The shaving procedure of a nazir, machlokes after which korban

The next Mishnah states: תגלחת הטהרה כיצד – How is the shaving [of a nazir] in taharah done? היה מביא ג' בהמות, חטאת עולה ושלמים – He brought three animals: A chatas, an olah, and a shelamim. ושוחט את השלמים ומגלח עליהם –He shechts the shelamim first, and shaves after it, according to the opinion of Rebbe Yehudah. Rebbe Elazar says: לא היה מגלח אלא על החטאת – He would only shave after the chatas, שהחטאת קודמת בכל מקום – because a chatas takes precedence everywhere, so it is the first korban brought here as well. They both agree that the shaving follows the first korban, but disagree which korban is first. Rebbe Yehudah’s source is explained in the Gemara. The Mishnah adds: ואם גלח על אחת משלשתן יצא – If he shaved after any of the three [korbanos], he is yotzei.

  • Why "פתח אבל מועד" of shaving cannot be understood literally

A Baraisa provides the source for shaving after shelamim: "וגלח הנזיר פתח אהל מועד" – The nazir shall shave at the entrance of the Ohel Moed, בשלמים הכתוב מדבר – the passuk actually refers to the shelamim, teaching that the shaving follows it, because the words "פתח אהל מועד" are written about a shelamim’s shechitah. The passuk is not teaching a location for the shaving, but the sequence. The Baraisa then explains why we do not interpret it as literally requiring shaving at the entrance of the Ohel Moed: אם כן דרך בזיון הוא – If so, it would be disgraceful behavior! Rebbe Yoshiyah provides a source: הרי אמרה תורה לא תעלה במעלות על מזבחי – The Torah said, “Do not ascend my מזבח on stairs” to avoid disrespect to the מזבח, קל וחומר לדרך בזיון – all the more so, disgraceful behavior such as shaving at the entrance of the Ohel Moed! Rebbe Yitzchak gave another reason: Since the Torah describes “taking” the hair alongside “placing” it under the fire of the shelamim (described in the next Mishnah), this teaches: מי שאינו מחוסר אלא לקיחה ונתינה – that which only requires “taking” and “placing” on the fire, יצא זה שהוא מחוסר לקיחה הבאה ונתינה – excluding this case which requires taking, bringing, and placing. Since the shelamim can be cooked anywhere in Yerushalayim, limiting the shaving to a specific location would require additionally bringing the hair to the fire’s location.

  • Machlokes when the nazir’s hair is placed on the fire of the shelamim

The next Mishnah states: היה נוטל שער ראש נזרו ומשלח תחת הדוד – He would take the hair of his nazir head and cast it on the fire under the pot cooking his shelamim. ואם גילח במדינה לא היה משלח תחת הדוד –If he shaved in the provinces (outside Yerushalyim), he would not cast his hair under the pot (since the shelamim had to remain in Yerushalayim, placing the hair on the fire would require an additional activity of “bringing,” which the Gemara taught cannot be done). This Tanna adds that the hair is only placed under the pot for a nazir tahor, but not for a nazir tamei. In a Baraisa, they explain that only when the shaving is נעשה כמצותו – performed in the prescribed manner, is the hair placed on the fire. Rebbe Meir says: הכל משלחין תחת הדוד – All [nezirim] would cast their hair under the pot, חוץ מן הטמא שבמדינה בלבד – except for a nazir tamei who shaved in the provinces (he explains in the Baraisa that in this case, the hair is buried). The Baraisa quotes a third opinion, Rebbe Yehudah, who holds that all cases of nazir tahor place their hair on the fire, and all cases of nazir tamei do not.