Nazir - Daf 44

  • The respective stringencies of the three nazir prohibitions

The next Mishnah lists the three prohibitions of a nazir: tumah, shaving, and products of the grapevine, and proceeds to list various stringencies of the prohibitions compared to each other. The stringency of tumah and shaving over grape products: שהטומאה והתגלחת סותרין – That tumah and shaving cause forfeiture והיוצא מן הגפן אינו סותר – and products of the grapevine do not cause forfeiture through consuming them. The stringency of grape products: שהיוצא מן הגפן לא הותר מכללו – That products of the grapevine have no exceptions, וטומאה ותגלחת הותרו מכללן – whereas tumah and shaving have exceptions (a nazir who is a metzora must shave, and a nazir must become tamei for aמת מצוה , a corpse with no one to bury it). The stringency of tumah over shaving: שהטומאה סותרת את הכל, וחייבין עליה קרבן – That tumah forfeits all days observed, and requires korbanos to be brought, whereas shaving only forfeits up to thirty days (to obtain the required thirty-day growth for shaving), and there are no korbanos. The Gemara asks that each of these stringencies should be extended to the other prohibitions, each based on a kal vachomer, and answers with sources for each.

  • The taharah process of a nazir tamei, and machlokes if shaving was delayed until the eighth day

The next Mishnah states: תגלחת טומאה כיצד – How is the shaving for a nazir tamei done? היה מזה בשלישי ובשביעי – He would sprinkle on the third and seventh day [with mei chatas], ומגלח בשביעי – and shave on the seventh, ומביא קרבנותיו בשמיני – and bring his korbanos on the eighth. If he shaved on the eighth day instead, Rebbe Akiva says: מביא קרבנותיו בו ביום – he may nonetheless bring his korbanos on that same day. Rebbe Tarfon challenged him: מה בין זה למצורע – What is the difference between this and a metzora, that if his shaving was delayed until the eighth day, he may not bring his korbanos until the ninth? Rebbe Akiva answered: זה טהרתו תלויה בימיו – This [nazir’s] taharah depends on his days only, and not his shaving (rather, the shaving is an obligation of nezirus). After tevilah on the seventh day, he is tahor at sunset, and may bring his korbanos the next day, after shaving. ומצורע טהרתו תלויה בתגלחתו – But a metzora’s taharah depends on his shaving, i.e., it is part of the taharah process itself and must precede his tevilah. Therefore, if he shaved on the eighth day, he must be tovel again afterwards, and is not tahor until sunset, delaying his korbanos to the ninth. The Gemara asks if Rebbe Tarfon accepted Rebbe Akiva’s response, and its attempt to prove he did not is refuted.

  • When a zav who is a tevul yom cannot enter the מחנה לויה

Abaye found the colleagues of Rav Nosson bar Hoshaya quoting a Baraisa which teaches about a zav:  אימתי הוא [בא]- When is he permitted to come to the Gates of Nikanor, which is considered מחנה לויה? בזמן שהוא טבל ועשה הערב שמש אין – When he immersed himself and sunset passed, he may, but if not, he may not come. They observed about this Baraisa: אלמא קסבר: טבול יום של זב כזב דמי – We see the Tanna holds that a tevul yom of a zav still has the status of a zav and cannot enter the מחנה לויה (in contrast to a tevul yom of corpse-tumah, who can). Although the passuk cited in the Baraisa discusses a zav of three emissions, who requires a korban, they assumed the same would apply to a zav of two emissions, where no korban is required. Abaye rejects their reasoning (based on a proof from nazir), and therefore explains on the next Daf that it is specifically a zav of three emissions, who requires a korban, who cannot enter the מחנה לויה before sunset.