825. Kitniyos

117:4 All kinds of kitniyos (legumes) are prohibited on Pesach (to eat, but one may own them and derive benefit from them - Mishnah Brurah 453:12), as are dried fruits unless we know they were dried properly on canes or in an oven that was kashered for Pesach. This is true even of dried figs, raisins and orange peel. Nevertheless, the practice is to permit drinking the beverage made from raisins. (Since they are only prohibited as a preventive measure, we do not go so far as to prohibit the water infused with their flavor - MB 467:27.) The practice is not to add certain spices to food because of the concern that they may have become chometz. Even saffron that is grown on roofs is prohibited because of the concept of "lo plug," i.e., that we do not differentiate. (People can't tell the uncommon kosher-for-Passover saffron from the more common non-kosher-for-Passover saffron - MB 467:33.) Other spices, which do not have a concern about becoming chometz, and salt must be checked to ensure that there are not any kernels of grain mixed into them. (If one neglects to check salt and finds a grain in it, the salt is permitted if it is dry - MB 462:25.)

117:5 We do not eat honey on Pesach unless it is still in the honeycomb, or it was separated by a Jew specifically for Pesach.