2,809. "This Shemittah Cycle," "This Yoveil Cycle"; Two Adars

Hilchos Nedarim 10:5

If one vows not to drink wine “this sabbatical cycle,” he is prohibited for the rest of the seven years, including the shemittah year; he does not become permitted until the Rosh Hashana of the year following shemittah. If vows not to drink wine for a sabbatical cycle, he is prohibited for seven full years of days. If he vows not to drink wine “this Jubilee cycle,” he is prohibited for the rest of the years in the cycle, including yoveil.

Hilchos Nedarim 10:6

Let’s say that someone vows not to drink wine until Rosh Chodesh Adar. If it was a leap year, but he didn’t know that when he made his vow, he is only prohibited until Rosh Chodesh of the first Adar. If he vows not to drink wine until the end of Adar, then he is prohibited until the end of the second Adar. If he knew that it was a leap year, he is prohibited until Rosh Chodesh of the second Adar.