828. More About Not Benefitting from Chometz

117:10 It is forbidden for a Jew to give a non-Jew his animal to watch, even a long time before Pesach, if he knows that the non-Jew will feed it chometz on Pesach. (If he does not know this to be the case, it is permitted - Mishnah Brurah 448:31.)

117:11 One is allowed to tell his non-Jewish servant, even at a time when benefitting from chometz is forbidden, "Here's some money; go buy yourself some food to eat," even though he knows that he will buy chometz. (He may not, however, instruct him to buy chometz - MB 450:15.) In a case of need, he may even tell him, "Go eat at such-and-such non-Jew's house and I'll pay him," or he may tell another non-Jew, "Give my servant something to eat and I will pay you." He may not, however, pay him in advance for the food that he will give his servant.