830. Wine and Karpas for the Seder

118:1 One should find a quality wine to use for the mitzvah of drinking four cups at the Seder. If one has red wine and white wine that are of the same quality and the same standard of kashrus, then the red wine is preferable. This is based on Proverbs 23:31, "Do not look at wine when it is red," which refers to the significance of red wine. Also, red wine serves as a reminder of the blood spilled by Pharaoh when he slaughtered the Jewish children. In countries where people worship idols, we refrain from using red wine for Pesach.

118:2 Many people are accustomed to use parsley for the first dipping, which is karpas, but it is better to use celery, which tastes good when it is raw. The best vegetable to use is radish.