848. 10 Teves, 17 Tamuz

121:3 On 10 Teves, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylonia, reached Jerusalem and laid siege to the ramparts, leading to the destruction of the Temple.

121:4 There were five disasters on 17 Tamuz: the tablets were broken when Moshe came down from Mount Sinai, as is recorded in the Torah; the daily offering was suspended; the city walls were breached in the time of the second Temple. In the time of the first Temple, the walls were breached on the ninth day of the month, as per Jeremiah 52:6, "in the fourth month, on the ninth day of the month..." but in the time of the second Temple, the walls were breached and the destruction escalated from 17 Tamuz. The Talmud Yerushalmi tells us that even during the destruction of the first Temple, it was on the 17th but the people got the date wrong because of their dire situation. Finally, the evil Apostomus burned the Torah and an idol was set up in the Temple by sinful Jews, which led to our destruction and exile.