Nazir - Daf 38

  • The ten cases of revi’is (five red and five white)

Rebbe Elazar said: עשר רביעיות הן – There are ten cases dependent on a revi’is,ונקיט רב כהנא בידיה חמש סומקתא וחמש חיוורתא – and Rav Kahana collected them as five red (wine or blood) and five white (water or oil). The Gemara relates a siman for the five “red”: נזיר ועושה פסח שהורו במקדש ומתו – “A nazir and someone making a pesach who ruled in the Mikdash and died.” They refer to: a nazir’s shiur for drinking(נזיר) , the four cups of wine on Pesach (פסח), that one who drank wine may not pasken (שהורו), the liability of kares for entering the Mikdash after drinking (מקדש), and that a revi’is of blood from two corpses transmits tumah of ohel (ומתו). The siman for the five “white”: חלת נזיר ומצורע שנפסלו בשבת – “The challah of a nazir and a metzora which were disqualified on Shabbos.” They refer to: the oil needed for loaves of a todah (חלת), the oil needed for loaves of a nazir’s korbanos (נזיר), the water needed for the metzora’s bird to be shechted over (מצורע), the tamei liquids which disqualify one who drinks them from eating terumah (שנפסלו), and the amount of liquid to be liable for carrying on Shabbos (בשבת). The Gemara explains why several other cases of revi’is were not included in this list.

  • Separate malkos for each type of grapevine product eaten

A Baraisa states, explaining the previous Mishnah: וענבים לחים ויבשים לא יאכל – “And grapes, both fresh and dried, he may not eat;” לחייב על זה בפני עצמו ועל זה בפני עצמו – by writing them both explicitly, it teaches to make him liable for each one separately. If he ate a shiur of each, and was warned about each beforehand, he receives two sets of malkos, although they are both grapes (normally, eating two shiurim of the same substance incurs one set of malkos). This is extended to all nazir prohibitions: מה כאן שהוא מין אחד והן שני שמות – Just as here (fresh and dried grapes), which are one type but have two names, וחייב על זה בפני עצמו ועל זה בפני עצמו – and he is liable for each one separately, אף כל שהוא מין אחד והן שני שמות – so too all which are one type but have two names, חייב על זה בפני עצמו ועל זה בפני עצמו – he is liable for each one separately, לאיתויי חמרא חדתא ועינבי – this is to include new wine (i.e., grape juice) and grapes, that consuming both will incur two sets of malkos.

  • Machlokes about לאו שבכללות

Abaye said: אכל חרצן לוקה שתים – If he ate grape-seed, he receives two sets of malkos. אכל זג לוקה שתים – If he ate grape-skin, he receives two sets of malkos. אכל חרצן וזג לוקה שלש – If he ate grape-seed and grape-skin, he receives three sets of malkos. The additional malkos in each case is for the general prohibition of "מכל אשר יעשה מגפן היין...לא יאכל" – “from all that the grapevine produces…he may not eat,” which includes all foods forbidden to a nazir. Rava says: אינו לוקה אלא אחת – He only receives one set of malkos in the first two cases, שאינו לוקה אלאו שבכללות – because there are no malkos for a generalized prohibition that covers several specific prohibitions. Rav Pappa challenged Abaye from a Baraisa about one who ate five types of grape products, and receives only five sets of malkos, and not six. After answering that the Baraisa did not list all possible malkos, the Gemara concludes that the Baraisa does not actually state a number of malkos received, and Rav Pappa added it to see if Abaye would immediately retract. He did not, because it was a tradition he received, rather than a personal novelty.