2,774. Teaching Reuvein Torah

More about Reuvein, who is prohibited by a vow to benefit from Shimon.

Hilchos Nedarim 6:7

Shimon may teach Reuvein the oral Torah because one may not charge for doing so, but he may not teach him the written Torah because one may charge for teaching that. If the local practice is to charge for teaching the written Torah, doing so is permitted. In either case, Shimon may teach Reuvein’s son.

Hilchos Nedarim 6:8

If Reuvein gets sick, Shimon may visit him. In a place where one is paid to sit and keep a sick person company, Shimon may not sit with Reuvein, but he may visit him and stand. Shimon may administer medical treatment to Reuvein because doing so is a mitzvah.