Tehillim 14

Torat Imecha is dedicated by Mrs. Nechama Wolfson in memory of her grandmother, Riva Schwab, Rivka bat Alexander Sender. Visit the OU Women's Initiative to register for additional content!

The First Temple

This Psalm (and the nearly identical Psalm 53) prophetically address the destruction of the Temple and subsequent exile. (This Psalm deals specifically with the first Temple, destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians.)

David says that a base person thinks there is no G-d. Such people perpetrate acts of evil without fear of consequences. G-d looks down upon mankind to see if anyone is looking for Him. He sees these people (ostensibly the Babylonian forces) have become totally corrupt. They're devouring Israel as if the Jews were food. Ultimately, there will be a reckoning and the Babylonians will be terror-stricken. They laughed at the Jews for relying on G-d. If only G-d would send His salvation quickly and return the exiles to the land! When He does, we will rejoice and praise Him.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz