2,766. A Son Who Is Prohibited to Benefit From His Father's Property
Hilchos Nedarim 5:7
Let’s say that a man prohibits his son from benefitting from him. It is permitted for him to say, “If this son’s son will be a Torah scholar, then this son will inherit this property in order to convey it to his son.” The son may not benefit from his father’s estate but the grandson is permitted to benefit if he becomes a Torah scholar as per the condition.
Hilchos Nedarim 5:8
If the son who is prohibited to benefit from his father’s property gives what he inherits to his brother or sons, they may benefit from it. This is also the case if he used it to repay money he owed them, or to pay his wife the value of her kesubah, though he must inform them that the payment is from his father’s property, which was prohibited to him. The reason this is permitted is because when one person takes an oath prohibiting another to benefit from his property, he may still pay that person’s debts, as will be discussed IY”H in chapter 6.