2,722. Those Who Use God's Name in Vain
Hilchos Shevuos 12:8
We must be careful to teach children to speak words of truth without making oaths so that they won’t get used to making oaths all the time as people do in some cultures. This is virtually an obligation on parents and the teachers of young children.
Hilchos Shevuos 12:9
If a person hears his associate speak God’s name in vain, make a false oath or recite an unnecessary blessing, thereby violating the prohibition against taking God’s name in vain as was discussed in Hilchos Brachos, he must put his colleague under a ban; if he doesn’t do so, he himself deserves to be placed under a ban. This ban should be lifted right away so as not to serve as an obstacle to others, who won’t know that this person is under a ban. You might think that we should therefore publicize it but the entire population would be under a ban because everyone is already used to sinful speech and making oaths all the time.