2,720. Taking an Oath "By the Torah"
Hilchos Shevuos 12:4
The previous halacha applies to other holy books; when it comes to the Torah, however, if one takes an oath by what is written in it, his intention is the names of God in the Torah. If one makes an oath by the Torah with no further explanation, his intention is the physical scroll, with the result that this isn’t considered an oath. If he held a Torah scroll and took an oath by it, it’s like taking an oath by what’s written in it and what he swears becomes prohibited.
Hilchos Shevuos 12:5
If a Torah scholar takes an oath by the Torah without further elaboration, he doesn’t have to have it absolved by another scholar. If a lay person does so, he must have it absolved so that he won’t treat oaths lightly.