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Brachos 5:5-6:1

Brachos 5:5

If one makes a mistake in reciting Shemoneh Esrei, it is a bad sign for him. If the reader makes an error in the public repetition of Shemoneh Esrei, it is a bad sign for the congregation, whom he represents. It was said of Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa that, when he prayed for sick people, he could tell who would live and who would die. When asked how he knew, he said, “If my prayer flows flawlessly, I know it has been accepted; otherwise, I know it was rejected.”

Brachos 6:1

The blessings recited over fruit are as follows: on fruit from a tree – borei pri ho’eitz (that G-d creates the fruit of the tree). This excludes wine, for which the bracha is borei pri hagafen (that G-d creates the fruit of the vine). On “fruit of the earth” (legumes, squash, berries, etc.) – borei pri ho’adomoh (that G-d creates the fruit of the earth). This excludes bread, for which the bracha is hamotzi (that G-d brings forth bread from the earth). On vegetables – also borei pri ho’adomoh; Rabbi Yehuda says one should recite “borei minei d’shaim” (that G-d creates different types of herbs).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz