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Brachos 6:2-3

Brachos 6:2

If one recited borei pri ho’adomah when he should have recited borei pri ho’eitz, he has fulfilled his obligation (after the fact). If he recited borei pri ho’eitz when he should have recited borei pri ho’adomah, he has not fulfilled his obligation. If one recited Shehakol over any of them, he has fulfilled his obligation (after the fact).

Brachos 6:3

Shehakol is recited over things that do not grow from the ground. One says Shehakol over vinegar, fallen unripe fruit, locusts, milk, eggs and cheese. Rabbi Yehuda says that a blessing is not recited over anything that contains an aspect of a curse (referring to the vinegar, fallen fruit and locusts).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz