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Brachos 8:5-6

Brachos 8:5

If the diners were eating shalosh seudos (the third meal on Shabbos) until after Shabbos ended and they only had one cup of wine for both bentching and havdalah, Bais Shammai says the order of blessings is: candle, bentching, spices, havdalah. Bais Hillel says the order is candle, spices, bentching and havdalah. Bais Shammai says that the blessing on the candle is “shebara m’or ha’aish,” that G-d created (past tense) the light (singular) of fire. Bais Hillel says the bracha is “borei m’orei ha’aish,” that G-d creates (continuously) the lights (plural) of fire.

Brachos 8:6

At havdalah, the blessings may not be recited over fire or spices belonging to non-Jews. (They might have been used for idolatrous purposes, or the fire may have been lit on Shabbos.) Similarly, one may not use fire or spices that are used for the dead. (The fire was lit to honor the deceased and the spices were used to cover up the smell.) One may not use fire or spices that were placed in front of idols. One does not recite the bracha over the fire until he has utilized its light.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz