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Brachos 9:1-2

Brachos 9:1

If a person sees a place where miracles were performed for the Jewish people, he recites the blessing, “Blessed is… (the One Who) performed miracles for our fathers in this place.” If he sees a place from which idolatry was eliminated, he recites, “Blessed is… (the One Who) uprooted idolatry from our land.”

Brachos 9:2

If a person sees such natural phenomena as comets, earthquakes, lightning, thunder and great winds, he recites, “Blessed is… (the One Whose) strength and power fill the world.” Upon seeing mountains, hills, seas, rivers and deserts, one recites “Blessed is… (the One Who) makes the works of creation.” Rabbi Yehuda says that upon seeing the Mediterranean Sea, one recites “Blessed is… (the One Who) made the Great Sea.” This is only when one does not see it regularly. On rain and good news, one recites “Blessed is… (the One Who) is good and causes good.” On hearing bad news, one recites “Blessed is the true Judge.”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz