2,718. "God Will Not Cleanse...."
Hilchos Shevuos 11:20
It should be self-evident that one who takes an oath of judges or an oath of enticement falsely is liable for an oath of deposit, which we have already discussed. Even though he acted intentionally, such a person is not lashed. Rather, he must pay what he owes adding on a fifth as a penalty. This fifth is actually one-quarter of the principal, so that it’s one-fifth of the principal and the penalty combined. If the oath was made in court, he must also bring a guilt offering as was previously discussed.
Hilchos Shevuos 12:1
While one who made a false oath or an oath in vain is lashed and one who makes a false oath of testimony or oath of deposit must bring a guilt offering, these people have not completely atoned for their oaths, as per Exodus 20:7, “He (i.e., God) will not cleanse….” One isn’t absolved from Divine judgment until he is punished for desecrating God’s name, as per Leviticus 19:12, “(by taking a false oath) you will desecrate the name of your God - I am Hashem.” One must therefore be very careful in this matter, more so than with any other sin.