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Peah 2:4-5

Peah 2:4

Carob trees are very tall so they would not be considered separated in an orchard so long as one can see from one tree to the next. Rabban Gamliel’s father had orchards. He reported that his father gave one peah for all the olive trees they had in each direction and one peah for all the carob trees that could see one another. Rabbi Eliezer ben Tzaddok reported in the name of Rabban Gamliel that they even gave one peah for all the carob trees that they had anywhere in town, even if they couldn’t see one another.

Peah 2:5

If a person planted his field with one kind of grain, he gives one peah, even if he used two threshing floors. If he planted two types of grain, he gives peah separately for each one, even if he threshed them at once. If he planted two different varieties of wheat, then if he threshes them together, he gives one peah; if he threshes them separately, he gives two.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz