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Peah 2:8-3:1

Peah 2:8

If bandits reaped the first half of the field and the owner reaped the second half, the part he reaped is obligated in peah. If the owner reaped half the field then he sold the remaining half, the one who buys it must give peah for the whole field. If the owner reaped half the field then dedicated the remaining half to the Temple, the person who redeems the field from the Temple treasurer must give peah for the whole field.

Peah 3:1

Regarding beds of grain planted between olive trees (or other types of trees), Beis Shammai says that peah must be given from each one but Beis Hillel says that peah can be taken from one bed for all of them. Beis Shammai agree with Beis Hillel in a case where the heads of the beds overlap that one can take peah from one bed for all of them.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz