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Peah 4:2-3

Peah 4:2

When it comes to suspended vines and palm trees, it’s the opposite of the case in 4:1. Even if 99 potential recipients want to compete for the peah, if only one says the land owner should distribute it, this is what they do. This is because he has spoken in accordance with the law (i.e., that the peah should be distributed in such a case).

Peah 4:3

If one of the potential recipients took some of the peah that had been cut and concealed it among peah that had not yet been cut, he forfeits his claim to that peah. If he tried to hide it by covering it with his body or his clothes, they take it away from him. The same rule applies to leket (gleanings) and shich’cha (forgotten sheaves).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz