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Peah 4:10-11

Peah 4:10

Leket is produce that fell during the harvest. If a person reaped a handful and was stuck by a thorn, causing him to drop what was in his hand, what was dropped still belongs to the land owner. What falls from inside the reaper’s hand or sickle goes to the needy; outside the hand or behind the sickle goes to the owner. If it fell from above the hand or the sickle, Rabbi Yishmael says it goes to the needy and Rabbi Akiva says it goes to the owner.

Peah 4:11

If ants stored kernels in holes among the standing grain, it belongs to the owner; in an area behind the reapers (meaning it was already harvested), the upper ones go to the needy and the lower ones go to the owner. Rabbi Meir says it all goes to the needy because we rule stringently in a case of questionable leket.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz