2,714. The Difference Between an Oath of Enticement and an Oath of Judges
Hilchos Shevuos 11:12
Oaths may be imposed upon Torah scholars even while they are seated and holding tefillin; they need not hold a Torah. Holding tefillin is sufficient. As was already discussed, he takes the oath in Hebrew.
Hilchos Shevuos 11:13
The only difference between an oath of enticement and an oath of judges is that an oath of judges requires that the one taking it hold something holy, while an oath of enticement does not require this. Rather, the oath is imposed upon him in God’s name or using one of the terms that we use to describe Him. This may be an oath or a curse, that he speaks or that the court speaks, the same as with an oath of judges. The universal practice has become that the shul’s chazzan or someone else holds a Torah during an oath of enticement in order to intimidate the defendant.